Lifectionery gets a PEARL writer

Helllo Lifectioners,

Firstly, I would like to wish you all with a very happy near year 2k17.. Sorry, know its quite late to post up for the same.. but this time, this new year, as we all come up with resolutions. Here we are too coming up making a resolution to post an article at least every week on various aspects of life for a betterment in life making tge life more sweet.

Oops, I almost forgot to tell you that the LIFECTIONERY TEAM has come up with a new writer on our blog, doctor, an awesome photographer, singer, a good leader, the HEAD guy,  guitarist, poem-writer - Dr. Vishakh Saraf. This guy is soo talented and blessed with loots and loots of talent, that words are less to describe his qualities and talents he has mastered in life. Forgive me doctor, or I should say my senior sir, if I have forgotten to mention any of your talents..
Dr. Vishakh Saraf

Obviously, an awesome personality with all the positive vibes all around and the effect of positivity clearly seen on the people around. This guy has got some positive vibes, really a strong one, to turn out even the negative people around to the best of their nature.

So, we welcome him with warm wishes.

And come up with the resolution to post at least 1 article every week enlightening with the confectioneries of life, focusing always on the sweet part if life.

So we wish you all with a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. And always pray for the best of you in your life.
Keep reading,
Stay tuned for more of the
Unexplored stuff yet to come on LIFECTIONERY..!!


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